Friday, October 18, 2024


Maria Pellino was born in Sant’Agata dei Goti (Benevento – Italy). I currently live in Trezzo sull’Adda, Milan (Italy)

Maria Pellino it is poet, aphorist, writer, educator. From a young age I wrote aphorisms, short maxims. Then, in 2013 I started writing poems, theatrical monologues, short stories and a novel.

I currently collaborate with the literary magazine “La Nuova Euterpe”, with the blog “Alessandria Today” by Pier Carlo Lava, with “La Voce Agli Italiani” by Fiore Sansalone and the blog “Reportonline”.

There are various events that I consider fundamental in my path of cultural growth:

  • To have participated in the International Odyssey of Poets event and to be present with my poems on Odyssey International Anthology of World Poets 2020 Published by Nurul Hoque and sent to Munir Mezyed Foundation for Art & Culture.
  • The recognition of Ambassador of Peace thanks to poetry by the International organization World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights, (2021).
  • The declamation of my poems at the conferences on feminicide in Palermo, organized by the Legion of the Knights Templar Frederick, (2019).
  • Be a member of the jury of the global anthology of the Writers edition entitled “Poetry, language beyond borders.”

Over the years I have received many national, European and international awards. Here is a partial list:

  • Writers and Artists of the New Renaissance Award, First Prize for the Poem “Il Sogno”, (2015)
  • Writers and Artists of the New Renaissance Award, First Prize ex aequo for the poem “Un dolore”, (2016)
  • Mention of merit to the World Academy of Poetry at the Infinito 200 competition for poetry with an image dedicated to Leopardi’s bicentenary of infinity, (2019)
  • XII Navarro International Prize, First Prize ex aequo Silloge Inedita, (2021)
  • Soul Expression Prize “The Voice of the Dark”, First Prize ex aequo for the poem “Mi quieteto”, (2022)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Between Words and Infinity.
  • Third prize at the International Inedita Galaxia Award, (2021)
  • Press Prize at the Grimoaldo I competition with the collection Moti Interiori, ed. Vitale/
  • Press Prize at the Grimoaldo I competition with the collection Riverberi di cuore, ed. Vitale.
  • Awards for the photography section in various competitions such as at the Unicamilano Art Biennale (2019 – 2020), Third Prize.
  • Youth Excellence Award awarded by the city of Trezzo sull’Adda – MI, (2023)
  • Member of the ALBAP Academy – Academia Luso- Brasileira de Artes e Poesias.
  • The prize certificate of the 10th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2024.
    I have published:
  • “The Immense Curve of Dreams”, poetic collection ed. L’Inedito Letterario.
  • “Casimiro e gli Imbaculi” essay with the co-author Loris De Simone ed. L’Inedito Letterario.
  • A collection of poems entitled “The Court of the Universe “, ed. L’Inedito Letterario.
  • “Diana Lives Still”, novel, ed. L’Inedito Letterario.

Il Mar 13 Feb 2024, 14:42 tamikio dooley ha scritto:
Hi, where is bio?
On 2/13/2024 5:12 AM, Angela Kosta wrote:
Hello my Dear. Hugs ❤️ Thank you very much ❤️

Il Mar 13 Feb 2024, 11:05 Angela Kosta ha scritto:
Maria Pellino was born in Sant’Agata dei Goti (Benevento – Italy). I currently live in Trezzo sull’Adda, Milan (Italy)


If you could have

eyes for my soul

maybe you wouldn’t stay

impassive to the tears of love,

you would guard my caresses

like heirlooms at the altar of life.

And if through time

you could lose your memory,

you would grant the memory

the nostalgia of desire

and in an instant the gurgling

of his footsteps dissolved in a dream.


Love each other as dreams love

the forbidden caresses of the night

and nature when it embraces

the seasons in their silence

follow one another over time.

Scatter shards of love

in the hearts of those around you

so that they can feel

renewed in tenderness.

Be love without respite

as a source of water

which crystalline flows uninterruptedly.


Woman, thorn of a rose that has never blossomed.

You weed that generates humanity,

blood and tears cover wounds,

origami of fragility on your body.

Drops gush from the womb

petals of love, spring oasis

in the void that disrupts silence.

Silent words flow from the heart

stripped of violated dreams

from the cruel grin of life.

Mindful expands in profusion

your rebellious soul,

reverberation of a primordial love.

Impetuous your swaying of the infinite sea.


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