Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeCultureLiteraturePoem by Aleksandër Shallvari

Poem by Aleksandër Shallvari

My inherited fortune grows each day,
and makes me become so rich a man.
It’s good enough to hug my mother
and shake with love my father’s hand.

I am so rich with real estates,
adding value to my financial means.
It’s good enough to caress my kids
and scare away their bad dreams…

I add desires to my wealth each day
when I embrace and kiss you my love.
To me you gave what I never had,
you make me richer, my dear dove.

And who is richer than I’m myself,
with millions of such everlasting pleasures.
Imagine me in my future days,
grandkids in my lap, rich beyond measure.

Translation from Albanian into English
By Alfred Kola


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