Krampus: The Reckoning (2015) is a low-budget horror film directed by Robert Conway. The story revolves around a troubled young girl named Emily who is placed in foster care after the tragic death of her parents. However, Emily harbors a dark secret: she has been unknowingly influenced by the ancient, sinister spirit of Krampus, the dark counterpart to Santa Claus.
As Emily exhibits increasingly disturbing behavior, her foster parents, along with social workers, begin to suspect something is wrong. They soon realize that Krampus is not just a legend but a malevolent force that punishes the wicked. The film unfolds as Emily’s connection to Krampus intensifies, leading to horrific and violent consequences. As Krampus’s power grows, the foster family is forced to confront the evil spirit, fighting to save Emily and themselves from a gruesome fate.
The film combines elements of supernatural horror with a twisted Christmas theme, exploring the darker side of folklore. It delves into themes of abuse, trauma, and the struggle between good and evil. However, due to its modest budget and campy nature, Krampus: The Reckoning is often considered a B-movie entry in the holiday horror genre.