Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCultureLiteraturePoem by Mohamed Rahal

Poem by Mohamed Rahal

I’m spoiled, I’m tired of my heart.
After love, how did you leave me?

My love hunting
I forgot ten times what I did
I thought you were a partner in the moment of love when you appeared
You left me, my longing increased
Olavi’s monster has grown and you have gotten worse.
I was thirsty and the waiter was always there.

today is your lover
You have betrayed him and his death is your portion.
He made her misery worse by telling her that something was wrong with you.
Today why do you make me long for more?
You cheated on your lover and made him a stranger.
I live in Ain Al Ain, Shahi Baqi.


the eye sees
One day my heart will see you.
burning fire
Tears run down my eyes
The rest of your mirage wanders in his imagination.
Love returns and there is nothing left.

let me go back
He keeps his pacts and never cheats.
I hated the distance, the heartbreak and the tears.
My life was spoiled, its sweetness gone
The disappointment of the night of separation is heartbreaking
The soul withers and its beloved grows tired.


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