Sunday, September 8, 2024


Residing in Canada for 28 years, the distinguished Author and Poet Sayeeda Sharmin stands out as a luminary in the literary realm. With a portfolio comprising 32 published books and an extensive collection of over 1200 poems in both English and Bangla, Sayeeda is recognized for her versatility as a writer and translator. She takes pride in her pivotal role as the president and founder of “Angeena International Nonprofit Organization,” a venture established 27 years ago. Sayeeda Sharmin’s literary eminence is underscored by more than 60 awards, a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence not only in literature but also across a spectrum of diverse activities. Her journey is emblematic of a life dedicated to profound creative expression and meaningful contributions.


Underneath the shadow of war’s ruthless might,
Children’s laughter silenced, a desolate sight.
Once vibrant souls, now enshrouded in gloom,
Echoes of tears, in a despondent room.
Innocence shattered, dreams like glass,
Tiny hearts heavy, in the shadows they amass.
Cries unheard, a symphony of weeping,
A lullaby for those in eternal sleep.
No more war, let peace be the decree,
Love as the anthem, hatred set free.
In the ruins of hope, let compassion rise,
For a world where children never sigh.
Oh, let peace’s echoes resound,
In the hearts of nations, a common ground.
In the tear-stained eyes of the innocent,
A plea for tranquility, a heartfelt lament.
Build bridges of understanding, not walls,
Let kindness prevail, as compassion calls.
For in the tapestry of time, a truth unveiled,
Only in peace can childhood be hailed.
A symphony of hope, let it play,
Washing over lands where children lay.
No more the sound of war’s cruel drum,
Just the melody of peace, a new anthem.
In the tapestry of dreams, weave serenity,
Where laughter echoes, in endless eternity.
Let every child, with joy, embrace,
A world where war leaves no trace.


Beneath the shroud of sorrow’s heavy cloak,
We yearn for peace, a plea softly spoken.
In the tapestry of time, where tears are sown,
Humanity searches for a haven yet unknown.
World Peace, an anthem we desperately sing,
As the echoes of war weave
a somber dirge to bring.
Innocent children, their laughter ceased,
Their shattered dreams, hopes forever released.
Our hearts ache for a world made whole,
As the toll of conflict takes its toll.
Anti – War, a rallying cry we implore,
To silence the cannons, to close the door.
In the arms of compassion, let us find,
A sanctuary for the anguished mind.
Grief – laden eyes, longing for release,
In the chorus of peace, where sorrows cease.
We yearn for peace, a fervent plea,
To calm the storms, to set hearts free.
Anti-War, let it be our resolute stand,
For a world where love and peace command.



In the shadows’ depths, where silence weaves its intricate tapestry,
Echoes linger, stolen laughter whispers like autumn leaves in the breeze.
Once, a mirthful symphony
danced freely in the air,
Now, only hushed whispers remain
an ethereal, ghostly affair.
Laughter, snatched away by time’s relentless thieving hand,
Yet, in the profound quiet,
its resonance defiantly stands.
Memories echo,
a bittersweet chime that tugs at the heart,
A stolen laughter frozen
in the amber of time’s art.
In realms of serene quietude,
shadows confide secrets untold,
Echoes of pilfered laughter weave
a clandestine tale, bold.
Moments that were once vibrant,
now veiled in the mist,
A symphony of joy dismissed,
by time’s cold, indifferent twist.
Laughter, a precious jewel stolen by the cloak
of night,
Yet, enduring echoes persist,
a silent, resilient light.
In the corridors of memory, they softly ring,
A stolen laughter’s melody,
an eternal, poignant spring.

Prepared Angela Kosta writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, journalist


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